What all is new?
8/3/04 I found my web page again, I think I might actually do something with it.
4/16/01 Well right now Real Life is kickn' me in the ass. I have not done to much updating but I did update my contact page so that no matter what, you have no excuse on not being able to reach me. So if you can't get ahold of me then there is a reason, course if it ibecause you hate me and want me to die, that might be some clue.

4/06/01 Ok, the universe is about to collapse on itself! How do I know? Someone actually took my advice and made a webpage! The world will never be the same. He used Freeservers also but unlike me he actually has interesting stuff on his site. I need a scanner, bad. Check it out Kevin's house of insanity 4/1/01 Soon, soon my little monkeys, I will have a new page up with some Shadowrun information, I hope. I know my players might be interested in it since I am going to be using them as some of the site material.
3/21/2001 Well I haven't added to much but I got a cool new Image on my links page. Beware the armed chipmunk.

3/19/2001 Ok, so for some reason my "about" page got all FUBAR. Well it should be fixed now so let me know if you have any questions. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet Click Here I was also wondering if there was anything you people would want to see. Not that you were all that interested in me but if there is some info or other thing you want to see on these pages throw me a frickin bone please! Woof
3/16/2001 Well so far, everything is new since I have now had to redo my pages TWICE!
On the upside, check out the links, page I learned how to install pictures as links, Yeah!
What else is up?
4/1/01 Ok, this isn't a joke, the car is awesome. I know you will all be saying "shut up about the fucking car!" but oh well. It is sweet and I am working on some cool pictures for you.
3/29/01 I got it! Today marks the day I got my car! I will soon have new pics of my exact car but for thow, this should do.
Pontiac should pay me For St. Patricks day I went down to my birthplace (Sandwich, IL, yes there is such a place) and checked out a really good REO/Journey cover band. The lead singer had a kick ass voice. if you are ever in the Chicagoland area and want to hear an inexpensive good band, see where they are playing cause it is actually worth it! This is them, Hi Infidelity I went there with a couple of my Aunts and Uncles. It is still a little interesting to go out partying with people who changed your diapers. Oh well, it's all good.