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Me (aka Josh)
Well, there really isn't much to me. That is me on the right there at work. Yes it did happen to be halloween at the time, I do not work somewhere cool like the Renaissance Fair.

The name Instant cash was actually made up a long time ago by a friend. It was the name of my Shadowrun Character, yes, I am a geek.

Some people might also know me as JD Fox. I got that name when I was pusuing the DJ lifestyle. I like it though because if I ever do DJ again it will be my name. Also the fox is one of my favorite animals.

Most people though call me Josh. The full one is Joshua but I only get called that when I am in trouble. You always know how much trouble you are in depending on how long your name becomes.

The History or Story Behind My Site
Um, I was bored at work one day and decided "Hey, let's make a web page!"

yeah right

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