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Welcome to the new and improved site.
This is my little personal space on the internet. I will try and make this web page interesting but I think my ambition is a little bigger than reality.What are you going to find here? Well not much. I do not post porn or sell anything so this is going to be about stuff I like. And if you don't like it, too bad, look at the site anyway. The stuff you will find here are my interests. Karate, Roleplaying, Music, Paintball, Art, Anime, Renaissance, Ancient weaponry and other randomness |
New site crap
3/22/2001 Ok, I know most of you know this already butI will post it anyway. Any new things can be found on the "New and Improved, Larger Than Life, Super Dupper, Ultra Special, Often Imitated but never Duplicated, News PAGE!" Psst, over here Well, this is where you find all the new and exciting (yeah right) features about this site. Since it is relativly new there will be lots of these. As soon as I can I am going to post a page just for new news. This will also include news about my life so if you are at all interested you can check it out. As many of you might have noticed this page is a little different. That's because Freeservers has a really fucked up way of showing their files. So if you decide to try and make one like I did, make lots of backups on your own machine beore deleting everything. I am still beating my head against the keyboard. |
Well here is one of my favorite images. I am on the hunt for the artist and when I find them again I will add the link. It represents one of the two religons I ever considered, Elementalism. It would either be that or Taoism. |
Other meaningless blabber
Well if there is anything here you like, let me know. If you want to start your own site shoot me an email and I will tell you to go away. Actually I can give you what little knowledge I have about making a web page but you might be getter grabbing a book because I am lost! Feel free to send me any comments or feelings that you might have about this page.
Email me

Vampires, Gothic Arcitecture, and women in leather...
What more do you need? Actually I love this painting in general. I liked it so much that I have a signed print of it hanging in my study.
Check out his site! |